Learn to Weld Workshop
In the Learn to Weld Worksop I will take you down the 60/10 path to learn the basics of MIG welding.
The pre-req for this workshop is that you have to know how to work a hot-glue gun, have good control of your arms and hands, wear protective attire, and be open to having fun while assuming your risk for your knowledge and abilities.
In the TinkerIT Hardspace we have a welding cart set up with a Lincoln 180HD MIG wire-fed welder on a Argon CO2 mix. Also on the cart is an ESAB plasma cutter and an AHP 200 amp AC/DC TIG Welder. Clamps, magnets, helmets, gloves, and hearing protection are provided.
We will go over the basics of how the electricity flows to heat up the steel, how to set the dials, prep the metal, get penetration, and practice joining several pieces of “trash” into a custom piece of art or a functional tool.
Tables for Gaston Day Makerspace
Feature 2
Lindsay making ramps for motorcycle trailer