Maker Space Resources
Check out my favorite maker books, how-to books, DIY project guides, Maker Dad books, and makerspace text books. The book list will keep growing.
Here are my recommendations for laser cutter/engravers, the supplies you will need to get started, and some projects to get you off on the right foot: Laser Cutters
3D printers are the essential tool for any space, but why does one cost $2500, and another one $99 on sale.
If you can’t afford the laser cutter just yet, and love working with wood, maybe a desktop CNC mill like the X-Carve from Inventables is in your price point.
As this site grows, I will update it with more equipment reviews, suggested consumable items, links to awesome projects, training videos for your students and maker, and lots of other surprise items the maker world has yet to see.
All your makerspace needs in one place.